
  1. The foundation board consists of nine members: president, treasurer, secretary, and six regular members.  All foundation board members serve six-years terms. Every year, the longest-serving regular member of the board graduates.  President, treasurer, and secretary graduate six years after starting office.
  2. The advisory board consists of ten members.  An advisory board member serves a five-year term. Every year, the two longest-serving members of the advisory board graduate.
  3. A graduated foundation board member automatically enters the advisory board.
  4. A graduated advisory board member has earned our eternal gratitude but cannot serve on an RSS board or as a program chair for five years.
  5. The program chair is added to the foundation board during the board meeting at the conference, unless he or she already is on one of the boards, in which case the normal graduation schedule is not changed.
  6. To fill a vacant spot on either board, the members of both boards nominate candidates. At the board meeting,  the boards vote to select among the nominees.
  7. If a board members leaves one of the boards, the remaining members of both boards nominate and vote for a successor. The winner of the vote takes the spot of the former board member and inherits the graduation date.

For a list of current and past board members, please see here.