Early-Career Spotlight

  • The Early Career Spotlight Selection Committee (SSC) consists of 3 members. The SSC members are encouraged to reach out to area experts in order to determine the most deserving Spotlight winner(s).
  • Membership: The SSC members are chosen from current and previous members of the RSS foundation and advisory boards. Each member serves for 3 years, with one member leaving / joining the SSC each year.
  • Roles: In the second year of her/his tenure, a member becomes chair of the SSC; in the third year of her/his tenure, the previous SSC chair serves as advisor to the new chair.
  • Election: Each year, the Chair of the SSC solicits candidates for membership and performs an email vote for whom to add to the board.

Committee Members

  • 2018: Leslie Kaelbling (chair), Lydia Kavraki, Siddhartha Srinivasa
  • 2017: Lydia Kavraki (chair), Dieter Fox, Matt Mason, Leslie Kaelbling
  • 2016: Dieter Fox (chair), Wolfram Burgard, Lydia Kavraki, Matt Mason
  • 2015: Dieter Fox (chair), Wolfram Burgard, Lydia Kavraki, Matt Mason